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Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №3

Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №3 [19.04.15]

Тема: Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №3

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 8.24K | Скачано: 327 | Добавлен 19.04.15 в 10:09 | Рейтинг: +1 | Еще Контрольные работы

Вариант III

decide      suffer   not/ sell      ask       already/ speak       expect         not/ receive         predict

  1. We had already expected good news from our Berlin branch as regards sales, but the numbers were disappointing.
  2. It seemed their office had not received our fax, so they didn’t respond to us.
  3. The company had decided to enter Asia in 2003, and by 2005 it had a big operation in Thailand.
  4. I have spoke to our IT manager about the problem with the new server when Peter mentioned it to me.
  5. We had suffered heavy losses during the previous year, so we knew we had to take urgent action.
  6. you predicted this downward trend or was it completely unexpected?
  7. The figures showed that we had not sold any units at all in May, so we were disappointed.
  8. I had expected for a 5 % pay rise, so I was very happy when they gave me 10%.
  1. Though he could hardly speak he was able to finish the lecture.
  2. I am able already to have a minute’s rest since you left.
  3. We will be able to spent tomorrow two hours with him to discuss international business trends.
  4. According to the agreement the rent has to be paid strictly in advance.
  5. Our car broken down and we had walk to the station.
  1. He says, “We are disappointed with the results of outsourcing” - He said that disappointed with the results of outsourcing.
  2. He says, “We have seen only part of the benefit we expected” - He said that we have only seen some of the benefits than expected.
  3. He says, “I will renew my contract with my existing supplier” - He said that he will update the contract with his current supplier.
  4. He says, “I’m going to bring the service back in-house” - He said that he is going to bring the service back in house.
  5. He says, “Choosing the right gift is difficult. I’ve been looking at the catalogues” - He said that it is difficult to choose the right gift, he was looking in catalogs
  6. He says, “I haven’t found anything. We can give the client a clock”. - He said that he did not find anything. We could give the client a clock.
  7. He says, “I didn’t realize you were married” - He said that he does not understand that you are married.
  8. He says, “I’m regularly briefed on the company’s performance”- He said that he regularly briefed on the company’s performance.
  9. He says, “I have taken steps to improve the working environment” - He said that has taken steps to improve the working environment.
  10. He says, “I will show our visitors round the building” - He said that he would show our visitors around the building.
  1. The company _____ (rename). It’s now called Healthtec. - The company renamed to Healthtec
  2. The order _____ (invoice) on 20 May, but it _____ (not/dispatch) until 30 May. - The order invoiced on 20 May, but it not dispatched until 30 May.
  3. My company ______ (always/ involve) in several European projects - My company always involved in several European projects.
  4. The price of the oil _____ (hike) next winter. - The price of the oil  will hiked next winter.
  5. Network TV channels ____ (replace) now by hundreds of other communication channels. - Network TV channels now replaced hundreds of other channels of communication.
  6. The new store ____ (open) next month. - The new store will be opened next month.
  7. Last week I ____ (employ) by The Environment agency - Last week I employed by The Environment agency.

V.  Complete the sentences using a second or a third conditional.

  1. If I worked for myself, I been in charge of my own life.
  2. We lost a lot of money. If we had any new products, we not lost market share.
  3. We will fly business class, if it will not cost so much.
  4. If I was the boss of my own company, I would introduce an incentive scheme for all staff.
  5. If I knew you were coming, I would have made a copy of the report. But I didn’t.
  6. I went for the interview but I didn’t get the job. If they ask different questions, I will be more successful.
  7. If public transport would improve, I had not need to drive to work every day.
  8. If I would earned more money, it matter about the job security.

VI. Form the correct Participle form from the verbs in brackets and fill in the gaps.

  1. all the material he was able to write the report about the work of their commission.
  2. People distributing their income set some money aside for a rainy day.
  3. He showed us a list of the goods exported by his firm.
  4. I am very tired, I decided to stay at home.  
  5.  the information, the sellers sent the buyers their offers.
  6. We have received a letter from the suppliers stated that they are prepared to execute our order.
  7. The goods were ready for shipment, inspected and tested by the buyer’s inspector.
  8. Against the background of the British of the falling standard of living of British workers, the profits earning by the monopolists are particularly outrageous.

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19.04.15 в 10:09 Автор:

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