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Тема: Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №2
Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку
Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 272.23K | Скачано: 291 | Добавлен 29.03.15 в 14:36 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы
I. Fill in the departure card:
II. You should write a personal letter.
You migrated to another country.
Task: Write a letter to your friend to describe your present life and tell him/her why you choose this country.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear…
145/4 Esenin Street
Barnaul 428200
October 25, 2014
Lenina Street 221,
Liverpool City,
Great Britain
Dear Anton,
As you know I am ready to immigrate to Canada, my documents are almost ready.
Probably you wonder why I am going to do it, I can explain it with pleasure.
As you know, here in Russia I have many problems with my occupation. The economy of Canada is very strong. Canada's GDP is ranked one of the world's highest. In the areas of social, financial and natural resources, Canada is ranked high by the World Bank. Canada is at the top of the trading nations world wide, it's market-oriented economy competes and production patterns rival the United States, so I will easily find a job there.
We are not going to be strange there for a long time. Canada is a very ethnically diverse country, 1 out of 4 people who live in Canada are immigrants. Canada has the highest immigration rate in the world. Two of the biggest ethnically diverse cities in the world are Vancouver and Toronto. People choose Toronto or Vancouver as places to live, because they feel close to home there. Canada is known for many different cultures coming together and share their religious views, food, clothing, language, ect.
So that is my decision.
I hope you support it,
Regards Anatoly.
III. You should write a business letter.
You successfully passed a job interview. You are expected to start on
November 15, but you will not be available on that date.
Task: Write a letter to your new boss, explaining your situation,
expressing your concern and suggesting solution.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir/Madam,
145/4 Esenin Street
Barnaul 428200
October 25, 2014
Mr. Aleksey Miller
Gazprom - company
Nametkina 16 Street
October 25, 2014
Dear Sir,
I am very happy to be chosen to work at your company. I have always wanted to work for Gazprom, Inc. because I have always admired what they do and it always has been my dream job. Your company has excellent products, provides superior service and has reputation that the competition is envious of. I share the same values that make this possible, which should enable me to not only fit in to your organization, but complement the team.
So I have to start on November 15, but the problem is I am not available on that date. I have to finish my projects at the previous company, to arrange all the documents before I go. I am very responsible and I am sure you will approve the idea of mine to finish everything properly.
Yours faithfully, Anatoly Levanchuk.
IV. You should write a Resume for this job:
Anatoly Levanchuk
9, Kirova Ave., Klyuchi, Russia
tel. 8 923 722 22 28
Personal Details |
Data of birth: 2 August 1989 Marital status: unmarried |
Summary of Qualifications |
6 years of work foreman. Competent management reports, better integration of all services. Proficient with Windows, Microsoft office programs, and use of database programs. |
Education |
2013 – present Student Barnaul, Financial University 2006 - 2008 Student, Barnaul, Altay State University
Additional Education |
1995 – 2000 dance school,
Professional Experience |
2009 – present Foreman LLC(Limited Liability Company) West |
distribution of work, drawing salaries accomplishments: Better integration of all services, competent layout of reports, which led to a reduction in the time to check them. |
Additional Skills |
Languages: French – elementary level English - elementary level |
References |
References are available on request |
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