Тема: Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №2
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Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 28.56K | Скачано: 281 | Добавлен 09.02.15 в 18:01 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы
- Complete these sentences using the verbs in the box in the past perfect simple.
already/ work hear be negotiate gain already/ go examine be
- My boss was in a very good mood today because he had gained a better price for some components.
2. The parts arrived ten days late because there had been a strike at the factory.
- I started working as a freelance consultant in 2004, but before that I had already worked as an software engineer.
- One day I realized that I negotiatedenough experience to start up in business on my own.
- I left the telecoms company. They were very sad because I had beenone of their best employees.
- I tried to speak you earlier, but you had already goneto lunch.
- Fernando mentioned that he had heard some rumors about reorganization of the whole Latin America division.
- The Board examinedthree offers for the company but decided that Montech’s offer was the best.
- Use modal verbs “have to”, “be able to” in the appropriate tense forms.
- you able to speak at the sales conference tomorrow?
- We have already been able to book the Chesham Room, which is a wonderful venue for such an important meeting.
- I can tell you why I was able to come yesterday.
- We had to have a board meeting last Tuesday.
- If you don’t pay for the parcel you are sending, the recipient will have to pay for it.
- Report each sentence using said. Change the verbs to a past form.
- He said that he had prepared the customer questionnaire.
- He said that trip to Brussels had been very useful.
- He said that the legal documents were all in order.
- He said that he wasgoing to go home early today.
- He said that we would renegotiate the contract.
- He said that he could speak French.
- He said that he would definitely be at the meeting on Friday.
- He said that we were developing a new financial product.
- He said that they had appointed a new Board member.
- He said that he was meeting a new client tomorrow. Client would give us a lot of business.
- Complete the sentences using the appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets in correct tenses.
- These days, even detergent brands are targeted at particular market segments.
- This advert will be seen next month by customers in all our markets.
- I give a copy of report. - A copy of report is given by me.
- Google was stared by two Stanford graduate students.
- I am promoting now. – I’m going to be a director at last.
- I wish to apply for the post of auditor which was being advertised in the Times on 15 March.
- Every employee usually is searched by security staff.
- Complete the sentences using a second or a third conditional.
- We lost the contract. But I think we would win if we made a lower offer.
- If I had been on the board of this company, I would have argued against the merger.
- Helen missed her flight. If she had got to the airport on time, she would has not missed her flight.
- If we got a lot of orders, we would employ extra staff in the factory.
- If we had had a good database now, we would not have wasted so much time.
- If we did not have such poor customer service, we would be more successful.
- Our new assistant left. If we had given her better training, she would have stayed longer.
- When Kevin arrived, nobody met him at the airport. If he had asked me, I would have met him.
- Form the correct Participle form from the verbs in brackets and fill in the gaps.
- There are different factors affecting consumer decisions and spending.
- Having collected the money she was able to start her own business.
- The dividends had been paying to him were more than he expected.
- His company is competing successfully with other companies establishing in the local market.
- Having invested in shares in stock market he began to get dividends.
- The conference holding now deals with the problem of unemployment.
- He turned to the bank asking them to lend him some money.
- People buying consumer goods are wide open to the influence of advertising.
- Complete this extract from a staff handbook using the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Work is1 important in all our lives but some people 2 find their jobs a major cause of stress, especially when unemployment 3 is high. Research 4shows that stress can be a major contributor to ill health often 5leads to absenteeism and poor performance. The evidence for this 6 is overwhelming. So the health of your employees 7 is directly linked to the health of the company. Managers 8need to watch for signs of extreme stress.
Vocabulary VIII.Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.
accessible ATM compensate deposit make a living
reliable security sensible transfer withdrawal
- security against possible burglaries, theyinstalled alarms.
- Some people aren't veryreliablewith theirmoney and they waste it on useless things.
- If you are injured at work, you may get money to
compensatefor losing your salary.
- If something issecurity, you can trust it towork properly.
- things are easy to reach or to get.
- When youtransferthings you move themfrom one place to another.
- ATMis a machine that givescustomers money when the bank is closed.
- Most people have to work in order tomake a living.
- When you make adeposit, you put moneyinto your account.
- When you make awithdrawal, you take moneyout of your account.
IX. Comprehension reading
- If you work, you've probably got a bank account. You could keep the money you earn each month in a box under your bed, but it wouldn't be very sensible. One reason is that it's not very safe. If your house gets burgled, you'll lose everything you've saved. Another reason is that your money will lose value.
- As prices rise, the money in a box under your bed will be able to buy fewer and fewer things. Money in a bank savings account, however, will earn interest. The interest will help compensate for the effect of inflation. But banks are more than just safe places for your money. What other services do they offer?
- The other main service is lending money. Individuals and businesses often need to borrow money, and they need a lender that they can trust. This is exactly what banks are - reliable lenders. In fact, most of the money that people deposit in their bank accounts is immediately lent out to someone else.
- Apart from storing and lending money, banks offer other financial services. Most of these are ways of making money more accessible to customers. For example, banks help people transfer money securely. They give customers cheque books and credit cards to use instead of cash. They provide ATM machines so that people can get cash any time of the day or night.
- But how do banks make a living? Basically, they make a living by charging interest on loans. Of course, when you make a deposit into a bank savings account, the bank pays you interest on that money. However, the rate they pay savers is less than the rate they charge borrowers. The extra money they make by charging interest on loans is where banks earn most of their money.
- For banks, interest is also a kind of security. Sometimes people do not pay back money they borrow. This is called defaulting on a loan. When someone defaults on a loan, the bank uses money earned from interest to cover the loss.
- This entire means that most of the money people have saved in the bank is not there at all! A small amount of the total savings is kept by the bank so that customers can make withdrawals. The rest, however, is made available for loans. The amount that is kept is called the reserve. The reserve must be a certain percentage of all the savings received from customers - for example 20 per cent. This figure is set by the central bank, and this is one of the ways that governments can control the amount of money circulating in the economy.
X. Read the text and match each paragraph with the correct heading.
Paragraph 1С
Paragraph 2D
Paragraph 3F
Paragraph 4E
Paragraph 5B
Paragraph 6G
Paragraph 7A
- Bank reserve
- How banks make a profit
- It is sensible to keep money in a bank account
- Money can earn interest
- Ways of making money more accessible to customers
- Banks are reliable lenders
- Defaulting on a loan
XI. Read the text again and choose the correct answer.
- What two reasons are given for saving your money in a bank account?
- It is sensible and money will lose value.
- It is safe and money will earn interest.
- Because banks are reliable lenders.
- Why do people prefer to borrow money from banks?
- Banks are reliable lenders.
- Banks are lenders of last resort.
- Banks charge interest rate.
- Do banks do anything else for their customers other than store and lend money?
- They don’t provide any other financial services.
- They offer many other financial services like credit cards, cash transfers, etc.
- They don’t make their money accessible.
- How do banks earn money?
- They charge interest on loans.
- They keep a certain amount of the total savings as a reserve.
- They provide ATM machines so that people can get cash any time of the day or night.
- Who decides how much money the bank keeps in reserve?
- Its customers.
- The bank itself.
- The central bank.
XII. Match the infinitives in A with the nouns in B.
to lose
to earn
to provide
to make
to default on
to cover
the loss
a loan
ATM machines
To lose value,to default on a loan, to cover the loss, to provide ATM machines, to earn interest, to make withdrawals.
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