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Контрольная №1 по Английскому языку Вариант №1

Контрольная №1 по Английскому языку Вариант №1 [30.11.14]

Тема: Контрольная №1 по Английскому языку Вариант №1

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 18.63K | Скачано: 299 | Добавлен 30.11.14 в 01:06 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы

Английский язык.

Контрольная работа №1

Вариант 1

I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст.         Переведите письменно третий абзац.

                Email Etiquette

Clearly summarize the contents of your message in the subject line, e.g. write ‘May 24 Project Management Team Meeting Agenda’ rather than just ‘Meeting’. If you normally address a person as Ms / Mrs / Mr _____, then that’s what you do in a first email; if you normally call them by their first name, then you do that. Keep your messages shorter than a page, so readers don’t have to scroll. People reading messages on cell phones and mobile devices often ignore long messages.

If you need someone to give you information or do something for you, be very specific. Avoid capital letters – they’re the equivalent of shouting in someone’s ear and they’re more difficult to read. Use capitalization and punctuation the same way that you would in any other document. Don’t over-use exclamation marks!!! Smileys are used in personal emails and are not appropriate for business ;-). If you send it from the office, it comes from the office: personal emails sent from work are regarded as official company communications, whatever their content. Re-read your message one last time before you send it.

A first email to someone in another company is usually quite formal, like a business letter, but later emails often become more informal. Internal communication between colleagues is also usually relatively informal. The full grammatical form is not necessary if the meaning is clear from the context.  People often use acronyms (the first letter of words) such as TIA (thanks in advance), asap (as soon as possible), FYI (for your information), BTW (by the way) and BW (best wishes). In informal emails, people writing quickly often use short forms of common words: yr, pls, thx or thnx, rgds, re (your, please, thanks, regards, with reference to). It’s worth remembering that using acronyms and short forms might be considered unprofessional in some business situations, especially when you do not know the person you are writing to very well.

Первое письмо адресованное кому-то , кто работает в другой компании,  обычно бывает очень официальным , как деловое письмо , но позднее письма часто становятся менее официальными . Личное общение между коллегами также обычно относительно неофициальное . Не обязательно использовать полные грамматические формы , если их значение понятно из контекста . Люди часто используют сокращения (первые буквы слов) , такие как TTA (заранее спасибо) , asap (как можно быстрее) , FYT (к вашему сведению) , BTW (кстати говоря) и BW (c наилучшими пожеланиями ) . В неофициальных письмах люди , которые быстро печатают , часто пользуются короткими формами обычных слов : yr, pls, thx or thnx, rgds, re (ваш, пожалуйста, спасибо, с уважением, с отсылкой на…) . Важно помнить, что использование сокращений и кратких форм могут  рассмотреть  как непрофессионализм в некоторых деловых ситуациях , особенно если вы хорошо не знаете человека , которому пишете .

      II. Определите, являются ли утверждения:

      а) истинными

      b) ложными

      c) в тексте нет информации           

  1. When people write emails to friends they often use an informal style.
  2. Keep your message longer than a page, so readers can understand clearly what you need them to do.
  3. People often use acronyms and short forms though it might be considered unprofessional in some business situations.

Внесите ваши ответы в таблицу.







III. Найдите лексические эквиваленты к выражениям из текста.

      Внесите ваши ответы в таблицу.

  1. colleague
  2. to be the equivalent of something
  3. to address a person
  5. not to be appropriate for something
  6. personal letter
  8. might be considered unprofessional
  9. official company communication
  10. business letter




a. not to be suitable or right for a particular situation or purpose

b. a set of rules for behaving correctly in social situations

c. to be regarded as not behaving according to the standards of work or behaviour of your profession

d. a system for sending information, usually includes a message such as a letter, phone call or email

e. someone who works in the same organization or department as you

f. with the same size, value, importance, or meaning as something else

g. to write the name and address of a particular person or organization on an envelope, parcel etc

h. the first letters of words

i. a letter dealing with personal affairs

j. a written message dealing with business, addressed to a person or organization












 IV. Определите основную идею текста.                                                     

Which of the statements below explains the main idea of email etiquette the best?

1. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t say a person face-to-face or in public.

2. Emails are important part of business correspondence.

3. There is a list of rules you should obey when writing a formal email.

V. Расположите фразы диалога в правильной последовательности.  (Соедините цифры и буквы). Внесите ваши ответы в таблицу.   Перепишите диалог в правильном порядке.

a) Could I speak to someone else, perhaps?

b) Bonjour, ici La TGC.

c) You’re speaking to his Personal Assistant. I can deal with calls for M. Le Grand.

d) Well, M. Le Grand is not available. He’s in New York right now.  

e) Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak to Monsieur Le Grand, please?







VI. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. (Соедините буквы и цифры. Внесите ваши ответы в таблицу).   Перепишите письмо в правильной последовательности.


250 Charing Cross Road

London WC1 4RD

b)  Very best wishes,

John Callam

Product  Development

c)  Dear Maria,

Following our telephone call I confirm that we will meet at the Interlink stand at the Munich Fair on Thursday 24 May sometime during the morning.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss some of our products and services with you and am confident that there will be plenty to interest you.

Do you let me know if you can join us, and of course we would be pleased if you were able to bring a colleague or partner.

d) 15 March 2012

e) Maria Saans

Accounts Manager

South Australia Bank of Commerce

PO Box 400

Bondi Junction

New South Wales 2022








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