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Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №2

Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №2 [09.09.16]

Тема: Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №2

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 11.97K | Скачано: 260 | Добавлен 09.09.16 в 12:35 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 2

№1 Interpretation: put down the definitions of the following terms


this is the process of attracting, screening and selecting qualified specialists for the job.



category that expresses the external, formal relation of objects or their parts and properties, connections: the size, number, degree of manifestation of a particular property.

To consume

be used to meet needs, to spend.


association of legal or natural persons for the joint economic (production, trade, brokering, financial, insurance) activities.


this amount of money (goods, services) for which the seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to purchase a unit of goods or services.

Score: _____________

№2 Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами (см. Приложение).

1. Hello! I'm just ......... out my new mobile.

(a)  testing

(b)  probing

(c)  finding

(d)  trying

2. Oh yes. Are you ......... away?

(a)  distant

(b)  long

(c)  far

(d)  quite

3. Not really. I'm quite ..........

(a)  nearer

(b)  near

(c)  next

(d)  nearly

4. You ......... very clear.

(a)  sound

(b)  ring

(c)  hear

(d)  speak

5. Well, I did ......... a lot of money on it.

(a)  use

(b)  lose

(c)  spend

(d)  waste

6. Where are you at the .........?

(a)  time

(b)  second

(c)  hour

(d)  moment

7. I've already told you I'm in the ..........

(a)  place

(b)  area

(c)  office

(d)  location

8. Well, this is very interesting but I am very ..........

(a)  busy

(b)  occupied

(c)  hurried

(d)  active

9. Don't ........., I'll see you very soon.

(a)  remember

(b)  care

(c)  worry

(d)  mind

10. Oh, there goes the front door bell. Oh, it's you! I might have ..........

(a)  thought

(b)  believed

(c)  supposed

(d)  guessed                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                           Score: __________

№3 Case-study (5-7 sentences) – 10 min / 10 points

E-markets:  pros & cons.

In recent times the phenomenon of making purchases via the Internet is becoming more popular. A large number of people prefer this method of conventional shopping. Despite the many positive aspects, most potential buyers wary of buying items online. This phenomenon has a number of not only strengths, but also obvious drawbacks.

The advantages of this method of shopping include:

1) Saving personal time.

2) Saving money.

3) a Wide assortment of goods.

4) a Full description of the product.

5) Convenient purchase.

6) Different shipping options.

In addition to these obvious advantages, online shopping also contain a number of significant drawbacks:

1) Surface evaluation of the product.

2) the Likelihood of fraud.

3) shipping Issues.

4) the Need for registration.


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Размер: 11.97K
Скачано: 260
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09.09.16 в 12:35 Автор:

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