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Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант №4

Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант №4 [03.06.16]

Тема: Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант №4

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 24.46K | Скачано: 276 | Добавлен 03.06.16 в 03:27 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы

Вуз: Финансовый университет

Год и город: Владикавказ 2014

Вариант 4

  • Read and translate the text. Translate the underlined sentences.

Different Cultures

In the Global Economy, it is more important than ever to know how they do things in other countries. Perhaps the key to a successful business trip is a genuine respect for other cultures. For the business traveller, the famous saying is certainly true: “Think globally, act locally”. Timing is everything in business. Western businesspeople, in particular, are obsessed with it – after all, “time is money”. But even in Europe, attitudes to timekeeping can still be regarded as local customs. In Germany or Switzerland, you should never arrive fifteen minutes late for a meeting, while in France, that is quite acceptable. If you agree to meet your Italian colleague at 12 o’clock and they arrive half an hour late, they probably won’t give you an excuse but will almost certainly have a great idea. And, as for the British, one cynical businessman has observed that they pretend to be German but, in fact, they would like to be Italian!

Cultures also view gifts very differently. In Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, businesspeople do not expect to receive presents from visitors, and anything more expensive than a small corporate gift like a pen could cause embarrassment. But in Asia, particularly in Japan and the Middle East, gifts have a much greater importance in establishing a personal and business relationship. Even there, gifts do not have to be very expensive, although they should be of a high quality.

But cultural stereotypes are rarely helpful when dealing with individuals. Nor all Americans are pushy and loud; not all English people are reserved and formal. The same is true of any culture. There are Italians who do not gesture and Japanese who never apologize. So, when you travel overseas, try to leave behind all ideas based on jokes and movies. Keep an open mind and you will meet individuals far more than cultural stereotypes.

Different Cultures

In the Global Economy, it is more important than ever to know how they do things in other countries. Perhaps the key to a successful business trip is a genuine respect for other cultures. For the business traveller, the famous saying is certainly true: “Think globally, act locally”. Timing is everything in business. Western businesspeople, in particular, are obsessed with it – after all, “time is money”. But even in Europe, attitudes to timekeeping can still be regarded as local customs. In Germany or Switzerland, you should never arrive fifteen minutes late for a meeting, while in France, that is quite acceptable. If you agree to meet your Italian colleague at 12 o’clock and they arrive half an hour late, they probably won’t give you an excuse but will almost certainly have a great idea. And, as for the British, one cynical businessman has observed that they pretend to be German but, in fact, they would like to be Italian!

Культурные различия

  В мировой экономике намного важнее знать культурные различия, и какие они в других странах и, пожалуй, главным в успешной деловой поездке является искреннее уважение к другим культурам. Как гласит, верное и известное  всем деловым людям, высказывание: " Думай глобально, действуй локально ", ведь тайминг решает все в бизнесе. Например, западные бизнесмены одержимы им , для них " время-деньги " . Более того, в Европе , пунктуальность еще можно рассматривать как местный обычай. В Германии или Швейцарии , вы не должны опаздывать на встречу на 15 минут , а во Франции, это вполне приемлемо. Если вы согласились на встречу с итальянскими партнерами  в 12:00 дня , а они прибудут на полчаса позже , то они , скорее всего, не извинятся, но непременно у них будет замечательная идея . А что касается

англичан , то один циничный бизнесмен заметил, что англичане ведут себя как немцы ,но , на самом деле , они хотели бы быть похожими на итальянцев !


  • Define if the following sentences are:

a) true

b) false

c) no information

1. Giving and receiving gifts is an important part of business life in the Middle East. _____а_______

2. You should always take an expensive gift when you visit an American company.________b_______

3. It’s embarrassing for Russian people to receive gifts. _____с_____

1. cultural stereotypes

c) ethnic traditions

2. to establish relationship

b)to build human relations

3. of high quality

d) of superior grade

4. global economy

a)world economy

5. to apologize

f) to be sorry

6. a gift

g) a present

7. a custom

h) a tradition

8. stay objective

i) keep an open mind

9. restrained

j) reserved

10. to give up all believes

e) take a dim view of smth



1. Every country has its own culture, tradition and signs of difference.

2. Think globally, act locally.

3. When you do business abroad, it is important to give expensive gifts to businesspeople.

e) Good afternoon, Sales and marketing.. 

d) Oh, hello. I’d like to speak to Alan, please

b) Hold the line, please. …. I’m sorry, she’s in the meeting now. Can I take the message?

c) Thank you. I will give her the message.

a) Thank you very much. Bye!

a)Dear Ms.Wilson, (    3   )

b) Ms. Wilson

JBD Bank

56 Cheapside


23 June 2013  (   2   )

c) 25 Wellington Road

LONDON NW10 4PZ  (    1   )

d) I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

James Smith  (   6   )

d) I have good personal skills, and I am very interested in banking. I am good at communicating with people. I am currently working part-time in a bookshop, so I have experience of dealing with customers and handling money. (  5   )

e) I am writing to apply for the job of customer advisor, as advertised on your website on 13, June. (    4   )

Оформление в виде письма:

25 Wellington Road


Ms. Wilson

JBD Bank

56 Cheapside


23 June 2013 

Dear Ms. Wilson,  

   I am writing to apply for the job of customer advisor, as advertised on your website on 13, June.

   I have good personal skills, and I am very interested in banking. I am good at communicating with people. I am currently working part-time in a bookshop, so I have experience of dealing with customers and handling money.

 I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

James Smith 

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