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Тема: Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №1
Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку
Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 26.94K | Скачано: 420 | Добавлен 03.04.16 в 14:11 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите деловое письмо, обращая внимание на перевод клише.
Useful language for letters of complaint
I am writing to complain about… – Я обращаюсь с жалобой …
I demand a full refund… – Я требую полного возмещения …
As a regular customer of yours,… – Являясь Вашим постоянным клиентом, …
I feel disappointed with… – Я разочарован …
Yours sincerely,… – Искренне Ваш …
Dear Mrs. Brosnan,
I am writing to complain about a waterproof jacket I purchased from your shop last week. Although the jacket was supposed to be completely waterproof, I got soaked the first time I wore it in wet weather. Furthermore, when I tried to take the jacket off, the zip wouldn’t open and when I tried to get it unstuck, the jacket tore.
I sent the jacket back to your shop after having been assured by one of the assistants that I would be send a refund. However I still have not received one.
As a regular customer of yours, I feel disappointed with the way I have been treated and hope that steps will be taken to rectify the situation.
I trust this matter will receive your immediate attention.
Yours sincerely,
John Wells
Задание 2. Напишите письмо – извинение в ответ на предыдущее, используя план составления делового письма и фразы.
Paragraph 1 (reason for writing)
Main Body
Paragraphs 2–3 (reasons to explain the inconvenience caused)
Final paragraph (express understanding/regret or promise to make up for situation)
Closing remarks
Full name
Задание 3. Напишите резюме.
Ivanova Irina Ivanovna
Date of Birth: October 7, 1982
E-mail: ivanova_82@mail.ru
Phone: 89881234567
Preferred method of contact: 89881234567.
Omsk city
Suggestions for future work:
Position: Manager, Customer Service
Branch (the one that is of most interest to you)
Salary (minimum): 35 000 rub.
Schedule: Full Time
"Delta-Incom" (sale of furniture), Omsk
November 2005 - July 2006
Position: Manager of complaints.
• Reception and processing of complaints
• Consideration of claims, applications
• Work with providers
• Maintain database
• Interact with internal services company
• Preparation of reports.
LLC "Furniture Symphony" (production and sale of furniture), Omsk
September 2000 - November 2004
Position: Manager of department on work with dealers. Responsibilities:
• Work with dealers
• Contracts
• Reception and processing of orders and complaints
• Calculating the cost of orders
• Approval of terms of delivery and assembly
• Preparation of specifications
• Start production orders
• Track deadlines
• Maintain database
• Preparation of reports.
Professional skills
Advanced PC user (Microsoft Office, 1C - update version and configuration).
Possession of office equipment and means of communication: printer, copier, telephone, fax, e-mail.
Excellent knowledge of the furniture market in Moscow.
The ability to negotiate, to build long-term relationships with customers and suppliers.
Knowledge of business etiquette, office.
Ability to work with a large volume of information.
additional information
Marital status: Married
Do you have children
Ability to travel: Yes
Personal qualities: purposefulness, sociability, fast learning, responsibility, diligence, ability to handle stress.
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