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Тема: Контрольная по Английскому языку Вариант №5
Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку
Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 23.11K | Скачано: 257 | Добавлен 27.03.16 в 18:12 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы
Вуз: Финансовый университет
Вариант 5
I. Переведите письменно существительные (1-10). Выберетеопределения (a-j), соответствующие существительным.
1. consumer |
a) the exchange of a commodity for money |
2. generation |
b) the act of making something smaller in size or amount |
3. demand |
c) a business organization created under a government charter |
4. product |
d) a group of people of similar age |
5. competition |
e) what remains after the costs of doing business |
6. firm |
f) the rivalry among buyers and sellers in the purchase and sale of resources and products |
7. profit |
g) anyone who uses goods and/or services |
8. sale |
h) a small organization which sells or produces something |
9. corporation |
i) the good or service one receives in an exchange |
10. reduction |
j) a consumer’s willingness and ability to buy a product or service |
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
II.В следующих предложениях подчеркните определения, выраженные именем существительным, и переведите это предложение на русский язык.
1. During the mid-eighties, the USA had a large trade deficit with European Union.
2. Greater Manchester is one of the world’s most compact and crowded metropolitan areas.
3. The paper and printing industry is stable, reflecting Manchester’s status as the second centre of newspaper production in England.
III. a) Выполните КОПР №2,4.
b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведитепредложениянарусскийязык.
1. Heavy damage from aerial bombing during World War II brought the greatest setback in the history of modern London.
2. Contracts between local purchasing organizations and peasant householders are signed before the agricultural season begins.
3. In different parts of the world many different commodities have served as money.
IV. В следующих предложениях подчеркните модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложение на русский язык.
1. Any Western firm is interested only in selling what it has to offer.
2. Similar processes were to be observed in the petroleum sphere.
3. The House of Lords may delay certain Bills, but cannot finally Veto them.
V. В следующих предложениях подчеркните Participle 1 и Participle 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. By the late 1970s farmers were convinced that inflation and continued growth in exports would keep prices rising.
2. The company can buy a sizable share of stock and offer it to the victim, depending on who pays more.
3. Taking into consideration the expanded changes in price, the total turnover of raw materials will increase.
VI . Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2.
Forces Affecting Modern Marketing
1.An important influence in marketing theory is the continuous and rapid change in consumer interests and desires. Consumers today are more sophisticated than those of past generations. They attend school for much longer; they are exposed to newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, television, and travel; and they have much greater interaction with other people. Theirdemands are more exacting. "Positioning" the product that is, determining the exact segment of the population, and then developing a marketing campaign to enhance the product's image to fit that particular segment requires great care and planning.
2. Competition also has sharply intensified, as the number of firms engaged in producing similar products has increased. Each firm tries to differentiate its products from those of its competitors. Profit margins, meaning the profit percentages made by a business per dollar of sales, are constantly being lessened. While costs continue to rise, competition tends to keep prices down. The result is a narrowing spread between costs and selling prices, and an increase in a business sales volume is necessary to maintain or increase profit.
VII. Определите, являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения (1, 2, 3):
а) истинными (true)
б) ложными (false)
в) в тексте нет информации (noinformation)
1. "Positioning" the product - that is, the insistence on reputable products and services by consumer groups.
2. The public’s dissatisfaction with the actions of a firm has led to a reduction in sales.
3. Markets tend to be segmented as each group calls for products suited to its tastes.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу:
1 |
2 |
3 |
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