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Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку

Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку [06.01.16]

Тема: Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 16.43K | Скачано: 299 | Добавлен 06.01.16 в 15:04 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа №2

Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы вам необходимо проработать следующие разделы грамматики:

  1. Past continuous
  2. Модальные глаголы
  3. Future Simple
  4. Сравнительные степени прилагательных и наречий

Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. When the phone rang, I (answered/ was answering) it.
  2. They (are discussing/ were discussing) the terms of payment when Mr. Dunbar arrived.
  3. Every day at 8 a.m. the Sales Manager (instructs/ is instructing) the employees.
  4. The Sales Manager (is instructing/ was instructing) the employees at 8.10 yesterday.
  5. Mr. Jefferson (was looking/ were looking) through the draft contract at 3.30.
  6. I (tried/ was trying) to get through to Ms. Churchill from 1 to 2 yesterday.
  7. When I saw the manager yesterday, he (was getting/ got) ready for the meeting.
  8. When the phone (rang/ was ringing), I (talked/ was talking) to the client.
  9. Last week the Managing Director (received/ was receiving) some French businesspersons and (was discussing/ discussed) the terms of the future contract with them.
  10. The Director is busy now: he (was receiving/ is receiving) the businesspersons from France.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. When Mr. Takashi arrived, I was having lunch in the café.
  2. The sales Manager was studying the price-lists from 3 till 5 yesterday.
  3. Mrs. Kingston met the clients when I saw her yesterday.
  4. Amélie wrote a report, when her boss asked her to bring him the catalogue.
  5. I was ringing Mr. Stewart from 6 till 7, but I could not get through.
  6. When I left, they were discussing the terms of delivery.
  7. You were busy yesterday, were not you? – Yes, I was translating all day long.
  8. Mr. Rodriguez studied catalogues at 12 p.m. yesterday.
  9. What you did at 3 p.m.?
  10. I was not in the office at 2 p.m. last Monday; I had talks with our suppliers at their plant.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами can, can’t, couldn’t, could, was/were able to

  1. I like this hotel, you can see the sea from the window.
  2. You are speaking very quietly, I can’t hear you.
  3. Nobody disturbed me so I could to finish the work.
  4. I wanted to speak to the manger yesterday but I could not find him.
  5. Paula could not come to the meeting last week. She was ill.
  6. Sue was not at home when I phoned but I was able to contact her in the office.
  7. I’m afraid I can’t go to the party next week.
  8. We have plenty of time, we can wait.
  9. You look tired. - Yes, I could not sleep well last night.
  10. They didn't want to buy our goods but we were able to persuade them.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, had to, mustn’t, needn’t, should, shouldn’t

  1. Keep these documents in a safe place, you must not lose them.
  2. We need not write the letter now, we can do it tomorrow.
  3. I think everybody must learn a foreign language.
  4. We have lots of time, we need not hurry up.
  5. He does not usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday he had to work.
  6. John is our potential customer. You should meet him.
  7. You must not tell Marilyn what happened. I do not want her to know.
  8. I must go to the post office, I need some stamps.
  9. If this hotel is too expensive for you, you should not stay there.
  10. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

Задание 5. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Simple или Future Simple)

  1. I wait/will wait here until you come/will come.
  2. I go/will go home when I finish my work.
  3. Do you go/will you go to the restaurant if they invite/will invite you?
  4. We come/will come to see you when we are/we’ll be in England again.
  5. When I see/will see you tomorrow I show/will show the catalogue.
  6. Would you like something to drink before you go/will go?
  7. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late.
  8. I’m going to Paris next month. While I’m /I’ll be there, I visit/will visit the international exhibition.
  9. Don’t forget to give me your address. OK, I give/will give it to you before I go /will go.
  10.  If I don’t see/won’t see you tomorrow I phone/will phone you.

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Simple или Future Simple

  1. I’ll try to be on time for the talks but don’t worry if I am late.
  2. Ann is surprised when she find out the price.
  3. I don’t know how to use this equipment. OK, I’ll show you.
  4. You can sign the contract if you are happy with conditions.
  5. Don’t throw the price list away. You will never know when you (need) it again.
  6. What time the train leaves tomorrow?             
  7. I (meet) you outside the hotel in half an hour.
  8. Please, report to the reception when you arrive at the hotel.
  9. Don’t phone me unless it is something important.
  10. I think Jane will get the job, she has a lot of experience.

Задание 7. Закончите предложения, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных и наречий

  1. The hotels in London are more expensive than the hotels in New York.
  2. Your work is not very good. I’m sure you can do the best.
  3. The equipment often breaks down. I'd like to have reliable one.
  4. We wanted to arrive at the station early not to miss the train.
  5. We were busier than usual at work today.
  6. It takes longer to get to the plant by car than by train.
  7. The goods were worse than we expected.
  8. Your instructions are very difficult.  Could they be simpler?
  9. Let me know if you have any far information.
  10. The latest model is easier to operate than the previous one.

Задание 8. Закончите предложения, используя превосходную степень прилагательных

  1. We had lunch at the cheapest restaurant in the city.
  2. Mrs. White is a really nice person – one of nicest people I know.
  3. He always comes to see me at bad possible moment.
  4. This is the most interesting offer that we have ever had.
  5. He is the most reliable customer we have ever done business with.
  6. It's the best coffee I have ever tasted.
  7. What is quickest way of getting from here to the exhibition?
  8. He is one of richest businessmen in the world.
  9. What is the most popular product of this company?
  10. I prefer this chair to the others. It’s more comfortable.

Задание 9. Письменно переведите текст.

The role of marketing in business

Buying, selling, market research, transportation, storage and advertising are parts of marketing. Marketing means the movement of goods and services from a manufacturer to a customer. Marketing includes 4 main elements - product, price, promotion and place. The product is the goods and services that are bought and sold. The price means the cost of goods and services. Promotion is the process of informing customers about products and persuading them to buy these goods. And the place means the location where the goods are available. Successful marketing involves many things. The first thing is good, creative advertising campaign, which attracts attention of customers to the products. The second thing is good marketing communication. The third is customer operation. The company should produce what customers want, when they want it, at the right price and in a way that is profitable for the company. Market research helps producers to predict what people will want. Companies can carry out survey to know the profile of potential customers. The role of marketing in business is very important. Successful marketing means the increase of profit for a company and further growth of internal and external markets.

Translation / Перевод:

Роль маркетинга в бизнесе

Покупка, продажа, исследования рынка, транспортировки, хранения и рекламы являются частью маркетинга. Маркетинг означает движение товаров и услуг от производителя к клиенту. Маркетинг включает в себя 4 основные элементы - продукт, Цена, продвижение и место. Продукт является товаров и услуг, которые покупаются и продаются. Цена означает стоимость товаров и услуг. Продвижение — это процесс информирования клиентов о продуктах и убедить их купить эти товары. И место означает место, где товары доступны. Успешный маркетинг включает в себя много вещей. Первое, это хорошо, творческой рекламной кампании, которая привлекает внимание клиентов к продукции. Вторая вещь хорошая маркетинговой коммуникации. Третья операция клиента. Компания должна производить то, что клиенты хотят, когда они этого хотят, по правильной цене и таким образом, что это выгодно для компании. Исследования рынка помогает производителям предсказать, что люди хотят. Компании могут провести обследование знать профиль потенциальных клиентов. Роль маркетинга в бизнесе очень важно. Успешный маркетинг означает увеличение прибыли для компании и дальнейшего роста внутреннего и внешнего рынков.

Задание 10. Ответьте на вопросы по тесту.

  1. What does marketing mean?

Marketing means the movement of goods and services from a manufacturer to a customer.

  1. What does marketing include?

Marketing includes 4 main elements - product, price, promotion and place.

  1. What is the product?

The product is the goods and services that are bought and sold.

  1. What is the price?

The price means the cost of goods and services.

  1. What is promotion?

Promotion is the process of informing customers about products and persuading them to buy these goods

  1. What is the place?

The place means the location where the goods are available.

  1. What does successful marketing include?

Successful marketing involves things: good, creative advertising campaign, which attracts attention of customers to the products, good marketing communication, and customer operation.

  1. Why is it necessary to carry out market research?

Market research helps producers to predict what people will want.

  1. What is the role of marketing?

The role of marketing in business is very important and marketing means the increase of profit for a company and further growth of internal and external markets.

Задание 11.  Заполните пропуски, подобрав подходящее по смыслу слово.

1. Before starting to sell abroad you should carry out market …

a) survey       b) promotion        c) price

2. Let’s make an appointment for Monday. It is … for me.

a) comfortable     b) competitive        c) convenient

3.  …. sell goods to the general public in small quantities.

a) retailers    b)wholesalers    c) manufacturers

4. Another name for external market is … market.

 a) domestic    b) overseas   c) home

 5. We  agree to buy your goods at this price, it is  …. to us.

a)   high                   b)   increased                    c) acceptable

6. The sellers promised to … the goods on time.

a) produce           b) dispatch            c) settle

7. We will try to … the delivery dates.

a) meet                 b) match            c) wait

8.  I will phone you later and give my final…

a) answer     b) reply     c) message

9. Our parent company is large, it has many …. abroad.

a)  competitors       b) departments            c) subsidiaries

10. The first … of goods will be delivered in November.

a)   Party                    b) lot                   c) match

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