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Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант 5

Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант 5 [02.12.14]

Тема: Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант 5

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 976.39K | Скачано: 258 | Добавлен 02.12.14 в 18:45 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Контрольные работы

I.      Fill in the arrival card:
Fill in the arrival card
II.    You should write a personal letter.

You have recently moved to a different house.

Write a letter to a Friend. In your letter:

Begin your letter as follows: Dear …

35 Flat

249 Lenin



5noyabrya 2014

98 Krupskaya



Dear Marina,

              I hope everything is fine in our city. The summer months are gone. That was a week ago, we left our city, but I miss you already. Even though I'm very upset, I can not see you every day now, I hope we will enjoy the new place and feel comfortable. I still can not believe that I went to college!

              Tell me how you're doing there. As our classmates? You got himself a dog of which you so long dreamed of?

              I think nothing of our winter holidays, when we will be able to see each other again. Maybe we need to do somewhere in the journey? Address suggestions are welcome.

              I have a big house. It has everything that I was not necessary to. Large TV, bedroom huge bed, lots of wardrobe. In college, I had a girlfriend, Nina. We are very good with it a lot of fun!

              Let me know if you need anything. Just send me an email or make a phone call. Have fun in college! Please write back when you get this letter.

Best wishes,


III.    You should write a business letter.

You have bought a mobile phone in a tax-free shop just a few days ago, and it doesn’t work properly.

Task: Write a letter to the manager to complain about it and ask him to solve the problem.

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir/Madam,

35 Flat

249 Lenin



5noyabrya 2014

Carrefour Marena

264 Semenov


For attention of the sales manager.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my feeling about the mobile phone which was bought from your tax-free shop just a few days ago.

I notice that sounds are skips when I tried to make a call. Also, some of the buttons are hanging. I am very surprised and upset to see this problems in a quite expensive model. In the post I return this broken phone. I would like you to change it with a new. I hope you will solve this problem quickly.

Yours faithfully,

Trapeznikova Nelli

IV.    You should write a Resume for this job:

Petrova Elena

123 ap., 2, Malakhov street, Barnaul, Russia

Tel. 8(999)2247847



Accountant Cum Personal Assistant

Personal Details

Data of birth: 19 May 1980

Marital status: married

Children: son

Summary of Qualification

about a two year working personal assistant, have an understanding of the requirements and implications of working to a Managing Director, excellent administration and secretarial skills, about a four year working accountant, proficient with all aspects of accounts payable,  understanding of general accounting principles.


2003-2008 ASU Faculty of Economics


Additional Education

2013 — Crust of PC knowledge

Professional Experience

2008 –2009: personal assistant, in the firm Piza, in Moscow

2011-present: accountant in the firm Rusneft, In Moscow

Additional Skills

Languages: English – Advanced Level

Computer Skills: experience of word, excel, PowerPoint, access database software etc.


References are available on request


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Размер: 976.39K
Скачано: 258
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02.12.14 в 18:45 Автор:

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