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Тема: Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант 5
Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку
Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 24.04K | Скачано: 282 | Добавлен 06.11.14 в 16:30 | Рейтинг: +1 | Еще Контрольные работы
Задание I…………………………………………………………………………...3
Задание II…………………………………………………………………………..5
Задание III…………………………………………………………………………6
Задание IV…………………………………………………………………………8
Задание V…………………………………………………………………………..8
Задание VI…………………………………………………………………………9
Вариант 5.
I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Переведите письменно первый абзац.
1. The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters maybe called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.
2. Applying for a job
Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations vacant pages of his local newspapers, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in.
Harry is a building engineer. He saw a job in the appointments pages of one of the national papers. He made an application, sending in his CV (curriculum vitae – the “story” of his working life) and a covering letter explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.
3. Selection procedures
Dagmar Schmidt is the head of recruitment at a German telecommunications company. She talks about the selection process, the methods that the company uses to recruit people: “We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the backgrounds of applicants: their experience of different jobs and their educational qualifications. We invite the most interesting candidates to a group discussion.
Then we have individual interviews with each candidate. After this, we shortlist three or four candidates. We check their references by writing to their referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back for more interviews.
Finally, we offer the job to someone, and if they turn it down we have to think again. If they accept it, we hire them. We only appoint someone if we find the right person.”
1. The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters maybe called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.
Подбор персонала.
1.Рекрутмент (подбор персонала) или, в американском варианте английского языка, наем – это процесс поиска людей на определенные рабочие места. Тот, кто был завербован – это рекрут или, в американском варианте английского языка, наемный. Компания принимает на работу или нанимает их; они присоединяются к компании. Компания может непосредственно сама нанимать работников или использовать рекрутеров кадровых агентств или агентства по трудоустройству. Неофициально специалистов назвали «охотниками за головами» может быть из того, что «охотясь» за людьми для важных рабочих мест, убеждают их покидать организации, с которыми они работают. Этот процесс называется хедхантинг («охота за головами»).
II. Определите, является ли утверждение:
а) истинным
b) ложным
c) в тексте нет информации
1. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies.
2. In life of any person there is a moment when he must take a very important decision – to find a job which will bring satisfaction and money simultaneously.
3. Harry, a building engineer, found a job in the appointments pages of his local newspapers.
Внесите Ваши ответы в таблицу
1. |
2. |
3. |
а) |
c) |
b) |
III. Найдите лексические эквиваленты к выражениям из текста.
Переведите слова и выражения из первого столбика на русский язык.
Внесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.
1)company |
a) a person who is applying for a position |
2)to hire |
b) a number of persons united for business or commerce |
c) activities that people do for themselves or for other people to satisfy their wants |
4)to appoint |
d) to employ someone |
5)CV (curriculum vitae) |
e) the process of choosing one person or hing from a group |
6)applicant |
f) a document that gives details of a person's experience and qualifications |
7)selection |
g) an examination passed at school or university |
8)recruitment |
h) to name or assign to a position |
9)covering letter |
i) the process of finding people for particular jobs |
10)services |
j) a letter written to en employer in response to a job advertisement |
1)company компания |
a) a person who is applying for a position человек, который претендует на должность |
2)to hire нанять |
b) a number of persons united for business or commerce ряд лиц, объединенных для бизнеса или торговли |
3)qualification квалификация (характеристика) |
c) activities that people do for themselves or for other people to satisfy their wants деятельность людей для себя или для других людей, чтобы удовлетворить потребности |
4)to appoint назначать |
d) to employ someone нанимать кого-то |
5)CV (curriculum vitae) резюме(краткая биография) |
e) the process of choosing one person or thing from a group процесс выбора одного человека или вещи из группы |
6)applicant претендент (соискатель) |
f) a document that gives details of a person's experience and qualifications документ, в котором представлены данные человека, его опыт и квалификации |
7)selection отбор |
g) an examination passed at school or university экзамен проходил в школе или университете |
8)recruitment подбор персонала |
h) to name or assign to a position называть или назначать на должность |
9)covering letter сопроводительное письмо |
i)the process of finding people for particular jobs процесс поиска людей на специальные должности |
10)services услуга |
j) a letter written to an employer in response to a job advertisement письмо, написанное работодателю в ответ на объявление и вакансии |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
b) |
d) |
g) |
h) |
f) |
a) |
e) |
i) |
j) |
c) |
IV. Определите основную идею текста.
a) Individual interviews with applicants
b) The process of finding people for particular jobs
c) Advertising for vacancies
b) The process of finding people for particular jobs
V. Расположите фразы диалога в правильной последовательности (соедините цифры и буквы). Внесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.
Перепишите диалог в правильном порядке.
Steve Marshal and Ben Long work for an engineering company. Steve has just returned from London, where he was at the trade fair.
a) Hi, Steve. Excellent. We made some good contacts.
b) I hope so. We’ve had some good news this week.
c) No, we didn’t get any contracts. But I’m sure, we’ll get some soon.
d) Hello, Ben. How was the trade fair in London? Any contracts?
e) Contacts? I asked if you’d got some contracts.
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
d) |
a) |
e) |
c) |
b) |
S.: Hello, Ben. How was the trade fair in London? Any contracts?
B.: Hi, Steve. Excellent. We made some good contacts.
S.: Contacts? I asked if you’d got some contracts.
B.: No, we didn’t get any contracts. But I’m sure, we’ll get some soon.
S.: I hope so. We’ve had some good news this week.
VI. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке
(соедините буквы и цифры). Внесите ответы в таблицу. Перепишите
письмо в правильной последовательности.
a) I am writing to apply for one of the positions as salesperson which you advertised in the Evening Standard on May 23. I am particularly interested in working for a company which can provide me with sales experience. I look forward to receiving your reply.
b) William Ketterling
Personal Manager
Yule and Campbell UK Ltd
Unity House
57 London Road
Reading RG6 1UH
c) 24 Belsize Gardens
London NW3
25 May
d) Yours sincerely,
Helen Wilcox
e) Dear Mr. Ketterling,
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
c) |
b) |
e) |
a) |
d) |
Письмо в правильном порядке:
24 Belsize Gardens
London NW3
25 May
William Ketterling
Personal Manager
Yule and Campbell UK Ltd
Unity House
57 London Road
Reading RG6 1UH
Dear Mr. Ketterling,
I am writing to apply for one of the positions as salesperson which you advertised in the Evening Standard on May 23. I am particularly interested in working for a company which can provide me with sales experience. I look forward to receiving your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Helen Wilcox
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