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Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку

Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку [08.12.13]

Тема: Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 2.09M | Скачано: 307 | Добавлен 08.12.13 в 21:56 | Рейтинг: +1 | Еще Контрольные работы

Вуз: не указан


I.    Fill in the departure card:
Fill in the departure card

II.    Fill in the gaps:
Leslie:    Hello!    
Cameron:    Hello, is this Leslie?    
Leslie:    Yes. May I ask who is calling?    
Cameron:    It's Cameron here. Is Maria here?    
Leslie:    No, she just out for a moment. Can I take a message?    
Cameron:    Yes, thanks. Ask her to meet me at the Capitol 4 movie theatre at 7 pm tonight?    
Leslie:    Sure. Just let me check that down. Oh Cameron. Could you wait for a second? I have to take another call.    
Cameron:    No problem.    
Leslie:    Hello. Sorry about that. Now could you please repeat that information? I didn't have a pen handy.    
Cameron:    Sure. It's the Capitol 4 theatre at 7 o'clock.    
Leslie:    Okay, I've got it. Is there anything else?    
Cameron:    No, that's great.    
Leslie:    Okay. Uh-oh, there's my other line again. I'd better off.    
Cameron:    Okay, thanks again. Bye for now.    
Leslie:    Goodbye!

III.    You should write a business letter.

You successfully passed a job interview. You are expected to start on
November 15, but you will not be available on that date.

Task: Write a letter to your new boss, explaining your situation,
expressing your concern and suggesting solution.

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir/Madam,

Dear Sir,

I am Daria Kriskovich and I have recently passed a job interview for the Software Engineer position at the Software Infrastructure group. I was expected to start on November 15, as agreed, and am writing because unfortunately I will not be able to present myself on that date. During the interview I estimated fifteen days as the amount of time needed for me to finish my activities at my current job and start at your company, but due to fact that I got sick for the last whole week and was not able to work, I could not finish my tasks and will need another week to do so. If necessary, I can give you a copy of a letter from my doctor informing that I had to stay at home and under medical care during that week. I really apologize for the inconvenience and expect it not to affect our relationship. Should I present any other form of proof or talk to someone else at the company, please let me know.

Faithfully yours,

IV.    You should write a memorandum.
Your company will hold its annual New Year party soon. Your boss has asked you to write a memo to all staff and inform them of the upcoming New Year party function.

Write a memo to your company staff. Ensure that your message is clear, concise, courteous and complete. Include in your memo:

1.Date, location and duration of the New Year party.
2.information how to get to the New Year party location.
3.Some information on what they should bring.

Some information that you might need.
Date: 28 December 2013
Venue: Aladdin Hotel
Duration: 5-11pm

Necessary things (some suggestions):
•Carnival Costume
•Presents to colleagues
•some homemade dish

For the staff of Parker Company
From: Manager
Data: 08/01/13
Subject: New Year party

Dear staff!

The government of company reminds you, that New Year party will be on 28 December 2013 in Hotel Aladdin since 5pm till 11pm.
There are some suggestions about necessary things:
•Carnival Costume
•Presents to colleagues
•some homemade dish
We will be happy to see you at New Year Party!
Thank you for attention!
Your gratefully,

Manager Ivan

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Размер: 2.09M
Скачано: 307
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08.12.13 в 21:56 Автор:

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