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Тема: Контрольная по Деловому английскому языку Вариант №3
Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку
Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 23.88K | Скачано: 297 | Добавлен 13.01.13 в 17:59 | Рейтинг: +1 | Еще Контрольные работы
Вуз: Финансовый университет
Год и город: Архангельск 2012
1. Прочитайте текст, ответьте письменно на поставленные вопросы.
How To Get That Job
Before the interview:
During the interview:
After the interview:
1. What research do you need to do before the interview?
Find out as much as you can about the company.
2. What kind of clothes should you wear to the interview?
Dress smartly.
3. What should you do if you arrive very early?
If you are very early, have a coffee in a local cafe and look at your notes.
4. What should you do just before you enter the interview room?
Switch off your mobile and take two or three slow, deep breaths before you go in.
5. What should you do and say when you meet the interviewer?
When you walk in, shake hands firmly with the interviewer, look them in the eyes and say «Pleased to meet you».
6. How long should your answers to questions be?
Answer the questions in a confident, firm voice. Don't speak too quietly, too quickly or too hesitant.
Answers should not be one word or one sentence, but also should not be too long.
7. How should you answer questions?
When answering questions, maintain eye contact with the interviewer. If there is more than one interviewer, give them equal attention.
Don't lie.
8. Where should you look when you answer questions?
At the end of the interviewer, you might be asked: «Are there any questions that you would like to ask us?» Make sure you have one or two good questions ready
9. What should your general attitude in the interview be?
Above all, be positive and show enthusiasm for the job.
10. What should you do after the interview?
If you don't answer a question well in the interview, don't be afraid to phone soon afterwards and say something like: «I don't think I explained myself very well in the interview. What I wanted to say was....» This will show enthusiasm and it will remind them of you.
2. B. Resumes are usually limited to one or two pages. As prospective employees spend a very short amount of time looking at many resumes, it is critical to write your resume in a concise and organized way. Resumes are often written in a chronological manner to help employees navigate through information to an employer in a neat and organized fashion. An employer will likely lose interest in a resume which is full of errors and unorganized.
Резюме, как правило, ограничивается одной или двумя страницами. Потенциальные сотрудники проводят очень мало времени, смотря на многие резюме, поэтому крайне необходимо написать свое резюме сжато и организованно. Резюме часто написаны в хронологическом порядке, чтобы помочь сотрудникам ориентироваться в образовательной и трудовой биографии. Работодатель, скорее всего, потеряет интерес к резюме, которые с кучей ошибок и неорганизованны.
C. The resume should convey two important things. First, your resume should inform an employer about your employment and contain work experience, educational history, awards and honours, any special organisations to which you belonged. This may give an impression of you as a potentially valuable employer to the company. Therefore it is important to provide specific information about your experience including your responsibilities, dates of employment, budgets, number of employees you supervised.
Резюме должно передать две важные вещи. Во-первых, ваше резюме должно сообщить работодателю о своей занятости и содержать опыт работы, образование, награды и почести, каких-либо специальных организаций, к которым принадлежали. Это может создать впечатление о вас как о потенциально ценном работодателем компании. Поэтому важно предоставить конкретную информацию о вашем опыте, включая ваши обязанности, сроки работы, бюджеты, количество сотрудников.
D. The second goal of a resume is to capture the attention of an employer and convince him to take the time to interview you. A resume should be targeted towards the particular position for which you are applying. First you should determine what strengths and weaknesses you have in relation to the available position and then structure your resume to highlight your position of defining your experience. Stress relevant responsibilities and skills.
Вторая цель резюме: привлечь внимание работодателя и убедить его взять у вас интервью. Резюме должно быть ориентировано на конкретную позицию, на которую вы претендуете. Прежде всего, нужно определить, какие сильные и слабые стороны у вас есть по отношению к имеющейся позиции, а затем структурировать свое резюме, чтобы подчеркнуть ваш опыт. Стресс соответствующие обязанности и навыки.
3. 1 искать работу – to look for work
2 нанять перспективного работника – to hire a prospective employee
3 вакантная должность- a vacant post
4 писать в сжатом виде - to write in a concise
5 ориентироваться в образовательной и трудовой биографии - in a neat and organized fashion
6 безошибочная информация – an error-free information
7 доносить важные моменты- to convey important points
8 первое впечатление - first impression
9 потенциально ценный работник – a potentially valuable employee
10 завладеть вниманием работодателя – to capture the attention of the employer
11 сильные и слабые стороны - strengths and weaknesses
12 запрашивать рекомендации – to seek the advice of
4. Nadezhda Leonidovna Zhukova
Date of birth |
February 6, 1993 |
Nationality |
Russian |
Marital status |
Single |
Criminal background |
none |
Health limitations |
none |
Address |
ap.12, Severnaya, 35, Severodvinsk, Russia |
Telephone |
(8184) 533-007 (home) +7 952 2511081 (mob.) |
Nadecka@mail.ru |
Work experience |
4/2012- present - Shopping complex «Grand» in Severodvinsk, position - seller of children's clothing. Practised selling children's clothing and toys. 6/2011-4/2012 - Central Department Store in Severodvinsk, position - seller of men's clothing. Practised selling men's clothing and accessories.
Education |
9/2011 – present- Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation, branch in Arkhangelsk, Bachelor of Economics. 9/2000-5/2011 - School number 6 with advanced study foreign language, pupil |
Skills |
fluent spoken and written English, literate PC user (Windows, Word, Excel. Internet), |
Personal characteristics |
serious attitude to work, high efficiency, good learning capacity |
Interests |
swimming, reading the psychological literature, sport |
Referencies |
Available upon request |
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