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Практическая работа №3 по Английскому языку

Практическая работа №3 по Английскому языку [20.03.17]

Тема: Практическая работа №3 по Английскому языку

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Практическая работа | Размер: 15.98K | Скачано: 329 | Добавлен 20.03.17 в 19:16 | Рейтинг: 0 | Еще Практические работы

Практическая работа №3.

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив время Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. Our company has just concluded a new contract.

Our company just (to conclude) a new contract.

2. In the past the country has imported textstiles and machinery.

3. The talks haven`t begun yet.

4. After the Industrial revolution the Scottish economy has concentrated on heavy industry.

5. When did they sign the agreements? – They have just signed it.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив время Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1.  He returned from business trip yesterday.

2. When the boss had entered the office, the secretary already sent all the letters.

3. By 2007 New Zealand had reached good results in the international dairy trade.

4. Where had you worked before you began working for our company?

5.  In the past Britain’s economy wasn`t based on service sector industries.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребив время Future Simple или Future Perfect.

1. Soon they will solve the problem, I believe.

2. Our company will not have increased sales by the end of the year.

3. Tomorrow I will go to the bank to cash travelers checks.

4. Will Our partners have increased their price by 3 %?

5. We will have restored a lot of offices by the end of December.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив все изученные времена действительного залога (Active Voice).

1. After the partners had discussed all the items, they signed the agreement.

2. For many years our company has developed relations with China and recently we have set up a new joint venture.

3. Has Agriculture continued to be the main export industry in New Zealand?

4. At the moment our secretary is typing letters in the next room.

5. Our accountant will not work at the report the whole day tomorrow.

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребив все изученные времена страдательного  залога (Passive Voice, группа Simple).

1. Shipbuilding, electronics and space research are developed in the USA.

2. The problem of sales will not be discussed by businessmen the day after tomorrow.

3. Serious measures were taken in order to improve environment last year.

4. Will the contract be signed by them in a week?

5. The grain crops and vegetables grow in this part of the country every year. ??? тут и не нужен passive voice

Задание 6. Измените предложение из действительного залога в страдательный (группа Simple)

1. The partners discussed the terms of delivery yesterday. – Yesterday the terms of delivery were discussed by the partners.

2. You may leave the documents at the secretary. – The documents may be left at the secretary.

3. Such world-known monopolies as General Motors, Standard Oil and others control american economy. – American economy is controlled by such world-known monopolies as General Motors, Standard Oil and others.

4. The unemployment insurance doesn’t cover all the salary earners. – All the salary earners are not covered by the unemployment insurance.

5. Did the Government reduce income tax from a base rate of 33% to 25% during the 1990th? -  Was an income tax reduced from a base rate of 33% to 25% by the government during the 1990th?

Задание 7. Измените предложение из действительного залога в страдательный (все изученные времена)

1. By 6 o’clock we had finished the talks. – By 6 o`clock the talks had been finished by us.

2. They will discuss the problem tomorrow. – The problem will be discussed by them tomorrow.

3. The company has made some deals this year. – This year some deals have been made by the company.

4. Had anybody explained the terms of payment to you before you arrived? – Before you arrived had the terms of payment been explained to you?

5. They are not loading the trucks now. – The trucks are not loading by them now.

Задание 8. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребив сказуемое в нужной форме (все изученные времена в действительном и страдательном залоге)

1. За последнее время экономическая ситуация в стране ухудшилась.  -  In recent times the economical situation in the country has been worsened.

2. Переговоры закончатся к 6 часам? – Will the talks be finished by 6 o`clock?

3. Условия труда на этом заводе постоянно улучшаются. – The working conditions in this factory are frequently improved.

4. Во время вчерашних переговоров затрагивались многие важные проблемы. –During yesterday talks many important issues were discussed.

5. В прошлом году фирма не получила высоких прибылей. – Last year the firm didn`t get high profit.

Задание 9. Перестройте  утвердительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. The economist said that financial markets play an important role for the country’s economy.

2.  She stressed the idea: «The owner can always be the boss.» - She stressed the idea that the owner could always be the boss.

3. The seller said: «Take into account that the goods are fragile.» - The seller told me to take into account that the goods were fragile.

4. He said: « We guarantee you the fast delivery». - He said that they guarantee me the fast delivery.

5. The manager said: « The goods have just been sent.» - The manager said that the goods had been already sent.

Задание 10. Перестройте  вопросительные  предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. He asked: «How much money do people earn?» - He asked me how much money did people earn.

2. The guest asked me: «What factors affected consumers decision?» - The guest asked what factors had affected consumer’s decision.

3. The partner asked: «Have you ever sent goods by air?» - The partner asked me if I had ever sent goods by air.

4. She wanted to know: «How will your machines be packed?» - She wanted to know how my machines would be packed.

5. The sales manager asked the secretary: «Are they discussing the contract now?» The sales manager asked the secretary whether they were discussing the contract then.


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20.03.17 в 19:16 Автор:

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